Every movement needs a motto, and we choose VIGEO. The reason we chose VIGEO is because its translation uniquely covers several major drivers of success that we believe important.
VIGEO is a Latin word which has multiple translations associated:
To thrive
To flourish
To be vigorous
To be strong
To be effective
To be active
To be vigilant-watchful/attentive and alert
If you do not have all the qualities at play currently in your life, you certainly will have after starting the Divine Playbook. Our goal is for our Divine Playbook students to make the letter “V” by holding 2 fingers of their right hand over their heart. We want it over the heart for a few reasons.
- It takes heart to become a winner.
- It is with our heart that we love, and love is our most powerful emotion.
- Your heart is synonymous with life and you are starting your new life now!
- Motion and emotion create anchors, and this is going to be a success anchor for you. Any time you do the VIGEO movement, you will be reminding yourself and others to keep the qualities above at the for front and that you are in this to win!
- It demonstrates that you are not alone and that there are thousands of other Christians that are choosing to believe in themselves and take control of their divine destiny that awaits them. When you do the VIGEO movement you will know that others are right there with you and together we will not be stopped. You will not be denied!