About Kevin

Kevin is a Christian entrepreneur currently owning and operating multiple successful businesses. He is also a licensed physical therapist, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt, motivational speaker, and rancher. His passion is to help Christians find their way to success, financial freedom, and fulfillment, all while strengthening their faith and drawing closer to God. He and his wife Derina have three wonderful children, Carmen, Kage and Kaleah.

Kevin has studied success and personal development for over 30 years, but it has not always been that way. Due to no one’s fault but his own, he left his family home at only 16 years of age and soon found himself living in an 8 x 10 camper with no running water, no power, and no dignity. He realized something had to change. Going from desperation to inspiration, he began a relentless quest to achieve success by scouring through thousands of books, seminars, and eventually scripture. Everything he learned has been self-tested and either kept, improved upon, or discarded. After developing a specific and proven methodology to success and fulfillment, he wanted to leave a written record for his children and all fellow Christians to follow and thus the “Divine Playbook” was born.

The Divine Play book is his life’s practice of turning his dreams into reality. He has mentored and guided many to their own life of success. Everyone says he has a gift of making things simple and actionable. You cannot help but be motivated after you talk with him. Kevin has an unstoppable, positive attitude that is contagious, and we are sure you will catch it through the “Divine Playbook”!

Mathew 16:26: What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their own soul.